Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Seven Random Things about Angela!

1. I am addicted to spider solitaire. If I am not on the Internet I am probably playing this game on either the laptop in front of the TV or in the office. My dad is addicted too so I have a feeling its hereditary.

2. I {heart} pens! I have kind of an obsession...I like to buy new pens if thats sharpies, ballpoint or permament (like my new fav the BIC markers). I also like to steal other peoples pens like from offices or restaurants. It was my goal when I was marketing for Costco to steal at least one pen from one business we saw that day. I think its the inner rebel in me. (bad catholic I know)

3. Reality TV takes over my life! I watch every MTV show like the Hills and Tila Tequila. I love Top Model, Dancing with the Stars, Amazing Race, the Real Housewifes of Orange County. All these shows are great and I talk about them at work in great length like its my life and these people are my friends(especially Lauren and the gang on the Hills)

4. I would love to go back to school. If its a community college or ASU it doesn't matter. I would love to go to school for photography since I really like to take pictures. I change my mind everyday.

5. I never try things on in the store. I hate store dressing rooms and usually know what I want and if it doesnt fit hopefully I can return it.

6. I LOVE pumpkin pie. My mom makes two pies for Thanksgiving..one for me and one for everyone else. Then she makes me a pie for my birthday(on Christmas Eve) and then I proceed to have it for every meal especially for breakfast!

7. I love to go to the movies by myself. I know thats wierd since I have plenty of people to take to the movies with me especially Mike. He loves to go to the movies. When we first started dating we used to go every Friday night after work. But most of the movies I go to myself are the movies that every 14 year old is at like the Princess Diaries and A Cinderella Story or the song and dance movies like Hairspray and Dreamgirls!

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