Tuesday, November 4, 2008


At Volcanoes National Park

Before starting Devastation Trail

Cool Landscape during the trail that Mike took

Inside the Lava Tube

The view from our boat of the volcano(at night) going into the ocean which is making the Big Island bigger and bigger each day.

Our first stop on the Cruise was Hilo, which is on the big island of Hawaii. We got to tour Volcanoes National Park and see the crater of Kilauea which still smokes today, the hot steams, and the Thurston Lava Tube. We also got to tour the Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Factory. I had never tried a macadamia nut before...they were mighty tasty with chocolate. At night after we set sail the boat took us up to where Mauna Loa is still active and could see the lava run into the ocean.

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