at my holiday party
mike's mom maria, mike and I
the boys and me with grandma
So this Birthday/Christmas was an interesting one. It was the first year not spending it with my parents and sister. It was weird not doing the traditions that our family(the brown's) did every year. We did web cam on my birthday and on Christmas which was great. Christmas day we went to Mike's grandmas and saw his mom and brothers. After that we cooked a delicious ham and made cowboy potatoes(soooo yummy). Also made my first pumpkin pie for my birthday(which is christmas eve). My work's holiday party was saturday the 27th. It was fun (but not as fun as Mike's). Sunday was Mike's birthday and we just laid low all day. We saw Marley and Me which was very good(i cried twice) and went to Texas Roadhouse with his brothers and Dad. Next up New Years Eve!!!
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